La Historia de la Medicina y la Biología a través de la filatelia española

  1. Flores Morgado, María Teresa
Dirigida per:
  1. Diego Peral Pacheco Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 01 de de febrer de 2016

  1. Antonio Rodríguez de las Heras Pérez President/a
  2. María Dolores Ruiz Berdún Secretària
  3. José Antonio Moreiro González Vocal
  4. Francisco Jose Vaz Leal Vocal
  5. Guillermo Téllez de Peralta Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


We have done a recopilacion of the spanish stamps and the called "colonies" related with the sanitary and biological sciences. The period covers from 1950 to 2001, both included. To categorise the stamps selected it has been used the international UNESCO nomenclature in the fields of Science and Tecnology. With the past of the years, we can observe a change in the motifs in the colonies. They are mostly about animals, flowers and plants, and also about the childhood and the native population. In Spain the topics are more diversed. It can be seen that the philately is close with the events that happen any time. In fact, the pro-tuberculosis ones appears in the moments that this disease is more frecuent and it´s necessary to finance its investigation and treatment, and decreasing the number of emissions when the number of clinical cases also decrease. The doctors and diseases that appears in the stamps are those who has have relevance in the Spanish history, it have been forgotten, unless some exception the foreign doctors or diseases with a low prevalent in Spain.