La medicina popular en Valencia del Ventoso

  1. Gordón Vázquez, Faustino
Supervised by:
  1. Diego Peral Pacheco Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 02 February 2016

  1. José Antonio Moreiro González Chair
  2. María Dolores Ruiz Berdún Secretary
  3. Francisco Jose Vaz Leal Committee member
  4. Miguel Ángel Martín Alvarado Committee member
  5. Antonio Daniel Penco Martín Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 403146 DIALNET


Introduction. The town of Valencia del Ventoso, in Badajoz, is one of the places chosen by the Research Staff in Medical Humanities to complete step by step the knowledge that even today can be found - regarding popular medicine- by taking into account that this knowlege is not static. Objectives. To prove that folk medicine has been used or is still used in Valencia del Ventoso (Badajoz) as a remedy to heal illnesses or diseases. To engender an inder of popular medicines found in the town. Material and methods. This project uses a detailed survey which scatters each and every remedy given by the residents from Valencia del Ventoso (Badajoz). Results. The results obtained from the questionnaire made as well as the list of remedies given by the residents are detailed in the present project. An specific and vernacular list with the names of the plants mentioned in this analysis along with the related inventory of the Herbarium are also presented. Conclusions. The people of Valencia del Ventoso are conscious of the existence of a folk medicine which was used by their forefathers and can be used today as a remedy for a specific illness or disease. It is also shown through the project that the Folk Medicine used and known by the inhabitants of Valencia del Ventoso, continues from generation to generation.