Crisis demográfica en la Extremadura rural del siglo XXI

  1. Pérez Díaz, Antonio
  2. García Paredes, María Celeste
Revista de estudios extremeños

ISSN: 0210-2854

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 69

Issue: 2

Pages: 1209-1230

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de estudios extremeños


Extremadura is an eminently rural region. This character allows to value if the transformations that the rural world has experienced in the last decades have had reflection in the region. This work tries to value if the geographical mobility of the rural inhabitants reflects a substantial improvement of his social and economic situation or if, on the contrar y, it continues indicating the existence of difficulties that should avoid the fixation of the population on the ter ritor y. To obtain this aim, the behavior of the migrations is analyzed in the context of the municipalities by less than five thousand inhabitants and throughout the first decade of the 21st centur y. In spite of the changes happened in the last years, everything seems to indicate that the threat of the depopulation is in force in the rural territory of Extremadura.

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