Efectividad de la intervención educativa en el climateriopropuesta, desarrollo y evaluación de un programa basado en el modelo holístico

  1. García Paniagua, Rosario
Dirigida per:
  1. Rogelio González Sarmiento Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 26 de de març de 2010

  1. José Antonio Mirón Canelo President/a
  2. Ángel Bajo Bajo Secretari/ària
  3. Pedro Pablo Sendín Melguizo Vocal
  4. Purificación Cifuentes Vicente Vocal
  5. José Esteban Gómez Martín Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


This thesis has two clearly defined and complementary. The first part corresponds to a vision of upholding the theoretical framework of experimental research project, which corresponds to the second and last part. The theoretical framework focuses primarily on the presentation of the model for understanding more comprehensive and integrated climacteric transition : holistic model. It is from this point of view where the need is discovered, not to replace but to complement the climacteric routine health care in our health system curative-biology, with other health promoting "holistic. From this view, in the second part of the thesis of an experimental nature, we have designed, implemented and evaluated this new proposal for intervention in the form of an educational program in groups, with the aim of improving the quality of life for these women. The conclusion is very interesting: the program works really well, being able to improve health and quality of life of women in a clearly significant. From this perspective, our work opens an additional pathway concomitantly with the traditional biological perspective, empowerment is mutual relationship, aims to make the transition from Spanish women the average age of their lives, is a time of greater maturity and personal wellbeing.