La inserción laboral de los titulados universitarios en España

  1. Jimeno Serrano, Juan Francisco
  2. Felgueroso Fernández, Florentino
  3. Dolado, Juan José
Papeles de economía española

ISSN: 0210-9107

Year of publication: 2000

Issue: 86

Pages: 78-98

Type: Article

More publications in: Papeles de economía española


In this article we anlyse the employment status of young Spaniards with university degrees. Firs, we document the huge increase of human capital emboodied in the new young cohorts and their relative unemployment rate and occupations. Decondly, we propose a simple descomposition of the changes of youth unemployment rates suggesting that occupational changes in the Spanish young labour market are only partialy related to biased technological progress. Together with changes in the relative demand of skill workers there has been some "crowding-out" of less skill workers by high skill workers.This effect, which has been a relevant factor at containing unemployment rates if highly educated workersduring the last expansion of the second half of the 1990s a a result of a mismatch between the supply of the educational system and the demand to skill labour.