Does the pension system’s income statement really matter?A proposal for an NDC scheme with disability and minimum pension benefits

  1. Anne M. Garvey 1
  2. Manuel Ventura-Marco 2
  3. Carlos Vidal-Meliá 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Alcalá

    Universidad de Alcalá

    Alcalá de Henares, España


  2. 2 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


Documentos de Trabajo (ICAE)

ISSN: 2341-2356

Datum der Publikation: 2019

Nummer: 22

Seiten: 1-60

Art: Arbeitsdokument

Andere Publikationen in: Documentos de Trabajo (ICAE)


This paper develops a full accounting model for monitoring the solvency of a notional defined contribution (NDC) pension scheme with disability and minimum pension benefits. Using the annual report of the Swedish pension system as a benchmark (TSPS, 2018), we extend the “Swedish” actuarial balance developed by Pérez-Salamero et al. (2017) by adding an income statement which fully explains the reasons behind the changes in the system’s solvency by type of benefit. In line with the reference model, assets and liabilities are measured at present value at each reporting date, and changes in present value are reported in each period as income or expenses and are included on the income statement. Our proposed model is a step forward because it, also, incorporates the changes for disability pensions, the value of change in the discount rate and the explicit recognition of non-contributory rights (NCRs) into the Income statement. This accounting framework integrates both contributory and social aspects of public pensions and discloses the real cost of the disability contingency and the redistribution through minimum pensions. The paper contains a numerical example consisting of an income statement for a (fictional) already-functioning system to illustrate the main differences between the Swedish NDC scheme and our model. Mathematical details are presented in a comprehensive technical appendix.

Informationen zur Finanzierung

Manuel Ventura-Marco and Carlos Vidal-Meliá are grateful for the financial assistance received from the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) project ECO2015-65826-P. Carlos Vidal-Meliá also acknowledges the financial support from the Basque Government (Project IT1336-19). Anne M. Garvey is grateful for the financial assistance received from the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) project DER2015-67918-P and project CCG2018/HUM-017 from the University of Alcalá.


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