Investigación sobre el concepto de turismo de experiencias y sensacionesaplicación a un caso concreto

Dirixida por:
  1. Miguel Ángel Díaz Mier Director
  2. Ángela Andrea Caviedes Conde Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 09 de maio de 2017

  1. María Antonia Calvo Hornero Presidente/a
  2. María J. Such-Devesa Secretaria
  3. Raquel González Blanco Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 533477 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


During the last three decades, mass tourism was the best way to manage the tourism industry in terms of productivity and profits. But the conditions that gave rise to his birth are currently changing. Now the tourist does not follow the way marked by the tour operators, since the changes in the habits and lifestyles of the tourists have originated new exigencies in the tourist services. In this way, a new tourist has emerged, more aware of the surrounding environment and environmental conservation problems, more respectful of local cultures, more judgmental in their decision processes and able to value authentic cultural contents. Look for new experiences and activities during your trip and demand more personal attention and quality in services. The world has changed and the way you travel too. The tourism sector has evolved and today there is a gap between supply and demand. Due to the wide market proposals and the current rhythm of life, the customer no longer knows where to turn when looking for a trip and has little time to devote to his planning. We could say that there is a segment of the population considered to be "poor in time and rich in money". Following an analysis of this phenomenon and the usual way of presenting a business project, we have built a company under the name “Vips Experientiae”, whose purpose is to try to satisfy these stimuli of the current client, not only enjoying the destination, but Of how it makes you feel. For this, it proposes unique and exclusive experiences focused on tourism of shopping, leisure, gastronomy, adventure, luxury, health, rural, culture, etc. with a careful selection of destinations. This work has been decided to market through an online space for being considered as a key channel for the sale of tourism products. This business model focuses its positioning based on 3 premises: • Differentiate by offering customers superior products and services to other agencies. In addition, you will have to create in the market the idea of being an expert agency in putting ahead the experiences of tourism on the itinerary of the own trip (transfers, tickets, hotels, ...). • Incorporate emotion into products and services in a way that creates a connection between them and the customer. • Improve the service through an innovation strategy through the development of the online channel: invest in creation and web design, packaging of tourism products and reputation in social networks. The specific objectives that are proposed are the following: • Create a destination brand of experiences, in accordance with the conclusions derived from previous analyzes. • Achieve a recognized market positioning that facilitates national and international expansion. • Achieve results that make the company economically viable. The business idea is based on the growing demand for tourism of experiences, emotions, or sensations, away from the conventional and mass tourism centers, and on the rise of the trip conceived as a personal and complete unforgettable experience. The product keys of the company that is intended to create, is based on full emotional experiences personalized, attending to the five senses (smells, sounds, sights, culinary pleasures and physical contact). Thus, a strategic approach for the creation of a new company, Vips Experientiae, is oriented to the design, management and commercialization of tourist experiences of Sensaciones.