Actividad emprendedora en el desarrollo económico localevidencias para el caso de Nicaragua y municipio de León, 2000-2013

  1. Somarriba Sandoval, Fabiola Lissette
Dirigida per:
  1. José Luis Crespo Espert Director
  2. Fernando Javier Crecente Romero Codirector

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 06 de de juliol de 2015

  1. José Antonio Gonzalo Angulo President
  2. María Teresa del Val Núñez Secretària
  3. Eduardo Bueno Campos Vocal
  4. Antonio Vázquez Barquero Vocal
  5. José Emilio Navas López Vocal
  1. Economía y Dirección de Empresas

Tipus: Tesi


The doctoral thesis "Entrepreneurial activity in the Local Economic Development. Evidence in the case of Nicaragua and Municipality of Leon, 2000-2013" analyzes the rate of entrepreneurial activity of Nicaragua and León department according to the size and types of establishments and the business profile of the Municipality of León and appreciation of entrepreneurs and local players on the entrepreneurial context to identify the explanatory factors. The main objective is to explore the behavior of the entrepreneurship rate in relation to indicators of development (economic, social, human and competitive). The analysis is deepened with qualitative analysis to identify business dynamics “in situ” of the newly consolidated company´s creation. The employer decides to create a business from an entrepreneurial intent with the purpose of ensuring the streamlines business and the engine of local economic development. The emerging entrepreneurial ecosystem and its effect in economies justify the need for analyzing the behavior of the relationship between entrepreneurship and development. The quantitative analysis is done from entrepreneurial activity by business size between 2004-2011 (121,919 business) and by type of establishment to 2010 (14,655), whose data are collected from the databases of the Central Bank of Nicaragua (CBN) and National Institute of Development Information (NIDI). To establish the possible causal relationship between Total Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) and development are selected as indicators: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), per capita GDP, employment, unemployment, Human Development Index (HDI), Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). In order to achieve this objective a descriptive analysis of the behavior of variables and statistical time series to model and multiple regression linear contrasts were performed. On the other hand, qualitative analysis is established from the surveys of entrepreneurs and local players in the corporate profile, entrepreneurial assessment context and explanatory factors is determined. Entrepreneurial activity by business size presents a statistical association with per capita GDP, number of insured employment to social security and HDI. For Latin American entrepreneurial rate, it has an inverse relationship in shape "U", in which lower economic growth, employment and human development tends to increase entrepreneurial activity. In the case of Nicaragua a positive relationship inverted bell-shaped where GDP growth, secured and HDI tends to increase business activity is presented. However, at certain times there may be a tradeoff. The model of stepwise multiple regression excludes the variables number of insured and HDI, which turns out to be more significant linear relationship with GDP and TAE adjusted R2 of 67.6%. In the model of the department of León there is a relationship between the local TAE and employed persons and unemployment. In decreasing the number of staff and increasing unemployment, the business of Leon may increase. On the other hand, qualitative analysis is established from surveys entrepreneurs of SMEs and local actors in the municipality of Leon. Of the population of entrepreneurs is 4432, it was determined a sample of 614 by stratification with proportional allocation. In the case of local actors 37 agents were associated with entrepreneurship activities, in which 20 valid questionnaires that represent a significant sample distributed in international organizations, government agencies. Universities and private sector were obtained. Entrepreneurial activity is reflected in a higher percentage in the 34-57 age group 66% grouping of all ages. The average age is 45 years. 42% has succeeded in concluding primary and secondary, 17% technical careers and and 34% college. Entrepreneurs without education and with low levels of education are mainly identified. 73% of entrepreneurs Leon claim that there is a family tradition related to the activity of your business in your family. 84% are micro-enterprises, of which 54% are established, 20% new business and 10% star-up. Of those surveyed local actors are distributed in international organizations (2), government agencies (7), private sector and No Gubernamental Organizations (NGOs) (10), and large companies (2). Some actors are emerging in the development about topics of entrepreneurship, SMEs and local development, and the other half has more experience in these issues. They have a more valuation favorable in relation to the local entrepreneurial context assessment. A model of binary logistic regression whose variables are set: demographics factors (age and gender); motivational factors (reason for choosing the geographic location, timing, continue with the business and focus on being an entrepreneur); entrepreneurial aspirations (diversify products, form cluster, continue training human capital); business factors (legal status, sales, personality and family structure); entrepreneurial context factors (valuation on support for women entrepreneurs, social standards, education and training, interest in innovation). The research is divided into seven chapters, which has as its starting point the approach to research. Two blocks as the framework from the theoretical foundations and a second related to the empirical evidence arise. The theoretical chapters are part of the first chapter on "Entrepreneurship" and the second addresses the "Local Economic Development". A third chapter is a fusion of the first and second chapters, about of "Entrepreneurship in Latin America". For its part, the fifth chapter shows the results of the "Quantitative analysis of entrepreneurial activity and development. Evidence in the case of Nicaragua and León Department "; and sixth "Qualitative analysis on the profile, factors, assessment (employers and local actors) entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Leon ". Finally, chapter seven expresses the conclusions, recommendations and future research.