The biological response modifier AM3 attenuates the inflammatory cell response and hepatic fibrosis in rats with biliary cirrhosis

  1. Albillos, A.
  2. Nieto, M.
  3. Ubeda, M.
  4. Muñoz, L.
  5. Fraile, B.
  6. Reyes, E.
  7. Lledó, L.
  8. Blanco, I.
  9. Pastor, Ó.
  10. Salas, C.
  11. Lario, M.
  12. Monserrat, J.
  13. Bataller, R.
  14. Álvarez-Mon, M.

ISSN: 0017-5749 1468-3288

Year of publication: 2010

Volume: 59

Issue: 7

Pages: 943-952

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1136/GUT.2008.168831 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Sustainable development goals