As bibliotecas religiosas da Ilha Da Madeira no século XVIII

  1. Farinha de Freitas Bettencourt da Silva, Sofía Cristina
Supervised by:
  1. Emilio Torné Valle Director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 10 July 2014

  1. Purificación Moscoso Castro Chair
  2. Antonio Castillo Gómez Secretary
  3. José Manuel Lucía Megías Committee member
  4. Julio Cerdá Díaz Committee member
  5. Enrique Villalba Pérez Committee member
  1. Filología, Comunicación y Documentación

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 120285 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


The aim of this report is to have an acquaintance of the relality of the religious libraries in Madeira Island by the 18th century and the destination of their collection after their confiscation. Five Madeiran religious libraries of that century were deeply studied. In addition to that, it was also possible to rebuilt the bibliographic background by two inventories. The first inventory was accomplished by the Ordem do Edital, 10th July 1769 for the Colégio dos Jesuítas Library and the second one, was accomplished to the Convento de São Francisco do Funchal property in 1834, the date of its closing, which inventory was accomplished in 1838. At the same time, three other libraries were analyzed. The first one belonged to a religious organism, Mitra do Funchal, the second one, was the private library of the Bishop D. Gaspar Brandão and the third one, the library of Chantre Salvador Nunes da Fonseca. The libraries of Mitra do Funchal and Bishop Brandão were rebuilt by inventory. The library of the Chantre was rebuilt by its inventory which is in the backround of the Real Mesa Censória. The result is the catalog formulation of these five religious libraries that were active in the 18th century, since ISBD (A) norm.