El cuento-novela de "Fortunatus" ( at 566)de la "Gesta Romanorum" al "Apólogo de la ventura en la desdicha" (1679) de Ana Francisca Abarca de Bolea

  1. Castillo Martínez, Cristina
  2. Pedrosa Bartolomé, José Manuel
Revista de Literatura Medieval

ISSN: 1130-3611

Argitalpen urtea: 2006

Zenbakia: 18

Orrialdeak: 129-172

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de Literatura Medieval


One of the two stories of Vigilia y octavario de San Juan Bautista, by Ana Francisca Abarca de Bolea, entitled "Apólogo de la ventura en la desdicha", draws particular attention because it is a rare Spanish adaptation of the well-known story called Fortunatus or Los tres objetos mágicos y lasfrutas maravillosas. This tale is labelled as number 566, according to universal catalogue, elaborated by Antti Aame and Stith Thompson. In this article, we shall attempt to study Abarca de Bolea's narration in relation to other similar versions of the tale, steming from both the oral and the written traditions, this last one rooted in the Gesta romanorum.