O sistema de gestao e arquivo de conteúdos da SIC - Sociedade Independente de Comuniçao, S.A.proposta de indicadores para medir a eficiència de un arquivo digital audiovisual, com base na análise de valor

  1. Henrique Franqueira, Ana Maria
Dirixida por:
  1. Julio Cerdá Díaz Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 17 de marzo de 2014

  1. Purificación Moscoso Castro Presidenta
  2. Ana Isabel Extremeño Placer Secretario/a
  3. María Paz Martín-Pozuelo Campillos Vogal
  4. Giselia Martins Felicio Vogal
  5. Concepción Mendo Carmona Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 120301 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


This research is about the study of the Digital Content and Archive Management System of the Sociedade Independente de Comunicação, S.A. (SIC), an Audiovisual Archive of a private television broadcaster in Portugal. It aims to establish efficiency indicators, through value analysis in order to determine the cost / benefit of the Archive, which allows for the management of digital audiovisual content in a sustainable manner by the organization. The study is based on an analysis of the company and its archives, within the legislative framework of a television broadcaster, and the activity of the media group which includes SIC, with particular emphasis on the Digital Content and Archive Management System, the Digital Archive, where the organization and description of audiovisual documents and document processing, are central. The transition from a traditional system of audiovisual archives, based on content recorded in a video tape to a digital electronic archive system, a Digital Asset Management System, is analyzed in order to understand the changes in content management archives, and the changes in the archival description processes through the transfer of metadata between different systems. New forms of understanding, search and retrieval of information, are also referred. The analysis focus also the processes of production, transmission and archiving of audiovisual content as well as the technology involved which is crucial for understanding the documental workflow. The concept of value and value analysis is considered as a framework for the determination of indicators. The concept of value is common in the field of archives, especially inherent to the concept of archive as heritage, and the specific area of appraisal and selection, indispensable in any Archive. Values are identified for use and non-use, as well the indicators outlined for its measurement. In order to establish the efficiency indicators, a database was set up to collect data from the content broadcast by the various SIC channels, respecting five years, with the purpose of identifying the indicators for archived content used in antenna of. For the determination of other parameters of use, we referred to databases available in the SIC Archive, which indicated growth of the archive itself as well as oh the use of the content for new productions and sales to third parties. Operational costs were calculated and its share in the costs of operating the television service of group IMPRESA, as well as the investment in the acquisition of a Digital Asset Management System, linking them with the income arising from the existence of the archive, to establish the high profitability of this unit in the structure of the organization. This paper is organized in three parts, beyond an Introduction, a Conclusion, a Bibliography and Appendices. The Introduction regards the object, methodology, scope of study and a revision of information sources used. The first part frames the object of the study in the context of the business and analyses the concepts of content and the digital content management. It points the components of the systems involved. The second part analyzes in detail the Archives Digital Content Management System at SIC, the Digital Archive, after clarifying the basic concepts underlying this system. It describes production processes, workflows and archival processes, namely organization and description, appraisal and selection, as well as systems that support them. The transition from the traditional tape Archives to a digital Archives, is also part of the analysis. The third part is organized in an introductory chapter which outlines the formulation of hypotheses presented in the second chapter. The results of the research, are presented in the third chapter.