Alternativa de medida de distancias mediante la aplicación del modelo radiométrico

  1. Cano García, Ángel Enrique
Supervised by:
  1. José Luis Lázaro Galilea Director
  2. Óscar Esteban Martínez Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 30 November 2010

  1. Alfredo Gardel Vicente Chair
  2. Fernando Bernabé Naranjo Vega Secretary
  3. Paloma Rodríguez Horche Committee member
  4. David Benito Pertusa Committee member
  5. Francisco Javier Madruga Saavedra Committee member
  1. Electrónica

Type: Thesis


This thesis deals the problem of estimating the distance between an infrared emitter and a camera using pixels gray level intensities as principal source of information extracted from images to proposed an alternative to solve it. The proposed alternative is based on radiometrical point of view that is used to define a measure of the image accumulated energy. Magnitudes that affect accumulated energy have been detected and also have been related to the accumulated energy to propose a behavior model. Using the proposed model, a differential alternative to estimate the distance between a camera and an emitter had been defined supposing that the camera and the emitter are aligned. Besides, a method to include the emitter orientation angle on the camera to emitter distance estimation model have been presented, and also a calibration scheme have been proposed. The model of accumulated energy represents one equation extracted from one image. To increase the number of equation to be used in the distance estimation problem, new characteristics extracted from images have been defined. New characteristics have been related to same magnitudes used on accumulated energy model. Then three equations can be obtained from one image. Each of one characteristic has been validated to estimate the distance between a camera and an emitter. Using these three defined equations a radiant intensity free scheme has been proposed as an alternative to estimate the distance between the emitter and the camera and emitter the orientation angle. The proposed alternative has been used to estimated the distance between the camera and the emitter and have been demonstrated that it is a useful alternative to measure the distance between an emitter and a camera.