Dimensoes estratégicas e emergentes da avaliaçao do desempenhomodelos, dinámicas e impactos na rede de bibliotecas municipais de Lisboa (1989-2009)

Dirigida por:
  1. Purificación Moscoso Castro Directora

Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 26 de septiembre de 2012

  1. Luisa Orera Orera Presidente/a
  2. Ana Isabel Extremeño Placer Secretario/a
  3. Mónica Izquierdo Alonso Vocal
  4. Nuria Balagué Mola Vocal
  5. Giselia Martins Felicio Vocal
  1. Filología, Comunicación y Documentación

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 342193 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


Having Evaluation research and specifically meta-evaluation as a theoretical framework, this dissertation focused on the impact of library performance evaluation models and dynamics. Based on a methodology eminently qualitative supported by a combination of research methods (literature review, construction and application of conceptual models for analysis and case study), meta-evaluation research has developed along two principal approaches: the identification, characterization and categorization of main library performance evaluation models and approaches that emerged from the analysis of the international corpus, as well as from the specific context of libraries in Portugal; and the study of impacts of performance evaluation models and dynamics on Lisbon Municipal Library (LMLN) in the period from 1989 to 2009. In what concerns the first approach, emphasis is given to the proposal and implementation of a matrix for Categorizing Library Performance Evaluation Typologies (the CLPET Matrix), the identification of main types of meta-evaluative approaches and research areas on library impact assessment and the creation of a meta-model of the performance evaluation process. The case study of LMNL was developed around three main axes: library network context, at macro and micro level; LMNL’s performance evaluation dynamics progress made between 1989 and 2009; and performance evaluation impacts on this network. The second approach resulted in the identification of dominant library / network constructs, the recognition of main evaluation practices developed in LMNL, the creation of a meta-model for analyzing dynamics and impacts of library performance evaluation(DILPE Model) and its application to evidences from the case study, pinpointing the relationship between constructs, models and dynamics and the identification and discussion of performance evaluation impact on LMNL during the period that was set.