La incidencia del destino turístico en la eficiencia y la productividad de las empresas hotelerasEl Caso de España y los hoteles de la Comunidad de Madrid
- M. Pilar Alberca Oliver
- Laura Parte Esteban
- Ángel Muñoz Merchante
- M. Jesús Such Devesa
ISSN: 1851-1732, 0327-5841
Year of publication: 2012
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
Pages: 159-179
Type: Article
More publications in: Estudios y perspectivas en turismo
This paper evaluates the impact of competitive tourist destination in the city hotel segment by analyzing levels of efficiency and the evolution of total factor productivity of Spanish hotel companies to regional and national level. In assessing the impact of the tourist resort city on the efficiency and productivity has been selected for the Region of Madrid, and for that we first analyze the main changes experienced by the sector in this decade and its effect on the overall performance of hotel companies in comparison with the Community of Madrid, for being a tourist destination region termed a "city" as opposed to the common destination of sun and sand. For performance evaluation used frontier methodology (DEA) and the estimation of productive change is done through the use of Malmquist indices. The results show that hotel enterprises of the Community of Madrid, with a clear focus on the segment of city and a lower seasonality, have performed better than the national average in both levels of efficiency and less unfavorable evolution rates productivity.
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