Valoración isocinética de los músculos rotadores del complejo articular del hombro en jugadores de balonmano playa

  1. Zapardiel Cortés, Juan Carlos
Dirigida per:
  1. Ana María Slocker de Arce Directora
  2. David Valadés Cerrato Codirector

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 04 de de febrer de 2015

  1. María Julia Araceli Buján Varela Presidenta
  2. José Esteban Gómez Martín Secretari
  3. Juan Carlos Segovia Martínez Vocal
  4. Helena Vila Suárez Vocal
  1. Cirugía, Ciencias Médicas y Sociales

Tipus: Tesi


This study reports a strength evaluation of the shoulder joint rotator muscles through isokinetic dynamometry. The evaluation was carried out in three groups: a group of women who do not practice asymmetric overhead throwing sports, a group of men in the same situation as the previous group, and a group of beach handball players. In order for the research to be carried out in a reliable, valid and objective way, an isokinetic dynamometer was used. This tool is used by researchers to measure muscle performance accurately. The main objectives of this study were to obtain anthropometric and isokinetic data from elite beach handball players, to analyze the differences in the shoulder joint rotator muscles behaviour in elite beach handball players and athletes practicing sports disciplines with no ball throwing, and finally, to check whether there are correlations between the variables studied in elite beach handball players and athletes practicing sports disciplines with no ball throwing. Among the results obtained, we can point out: the anthropometric and isokinetic normative values in the sample group studied are in the media parameters of similar populations; higher strength values were found in beach handball players’ shoulder joint internal rotator muscles, along with the presence of an agonist/antagonist muscle imbalance in the shoulder joint rotator muscles; and a lower relationship was found to exist between the isokinetic variables of the shoulder joint rotator muscles in the beach handball player and certain anthropometric measures, compared to the other groups under study.