Adaptación y validación de pruebas de competencia motriz en escolares con Síndrome de Down

  1. Rodríguez Hernández, María Luisa
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Eladio Montoya Melgar Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 17 von Dezember von 2009

  1. José Vicente Saz Pérez Präsident
  2. David Valadés Cerrato Sekretär
  3. Antonio Sánchez Herranz Vocal
  4. Bartolomé Bonet Serra Vocal
  5. Salvador Perán Mesa Vocal

Art: Dissertation


Motor system alterations are common among children with Down´ s syndrome. In the present study it has been analyzed the applicability of different tasks, included in the motor tests MABC -Movement Assessment Battery for Children - and Stay in Step, and also that of the observation scale ECOMI, developed for children without disabilities, in nine to fourteen year old children with Down´s syndrome. The aims of the study were: - To ascertain the applicability of the three motor tests in children with Down´s Syndrome. - To evaluate the motor skills of these children with the above-mentioned tests. - To assess the motor development in these children as compared with the published data of the MABC and Stay in Step values in normal Spanish children four to six year old. - To analyze the reliability of these tests in children with Down´s syndrome. Results can be resumed as: - MABC and Stay in Step tests and the ECOMI scale, with minor adaptations, are useful to evaluate motor skills in children with Down´s syndrome. - The degree of motor development in nine to fourteen year old children with Down´s syndrome is lower than that of the four to six year old non-disabled children as measured with the MABC and Stay in Step tests.