Evaluación macular y de capa de fibras nerviosas con OCT en presencia de catarata quirúrgica

  1. Pareja Esteban, Jesús
Dirigée par:
  1. Miguel Ángel Teus Guezala Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 16 avril 2008

  1. Manuel Vicente Sánchez Chapado President
  2. María Consuelo Pérez Rico Secrétaire
  3. M. Carmen Gianonatti Alias Rapporteur
  4. Julián García Feijoo Rapporteur
  5. Esther Arranz Márquez Rapporteur
  1. Cirugía, Ciencias Médicas y Sociales

Type: Thèses


Background: Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a relatively new ophthalmological instrument used for the diagnosis and follow up of patients who suffer from some ocular diseases as glaucoma and macular disorders for instance. Nowadays, its widespreadly used in those ophthalmological fields. Nevertheless, this ancillary test is dependent of conditions that can decrease the ocular media transparence, affecting image quality and decreasing the value of the obtained results. So therefore, we have estudied in which way the presence of cataract, as well as, its surgery, could affect the utility of that tool in the evaluation of the ocular posterior pole. Material and methods: 114 single eyes of 121 patients scheduled for cataract surgery were included in a masked and prospective, study. Preoperative and one day and one month postoperative scans were obtained using OCT Stratus®. The scans were obtained with Fast Macular Thickness and RNFL Thickness 3.4 OCT strategies. The images were analysed by RNFL Thickness and Macular Thickness/Volume tabular applications. Signal Strength was used as an image quality parameter. The data were analysed by SPSS 13.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago,IL). Conclusions: In presence of cataract, OCT Stratus® makes errors in the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) measurements. Nevertheless, these mistakes are not found when we take macular volume, foveal volume and foveal thickness measurments. Total Macular Volume and RNFL Thickness values show an increment one month after non complicated cataract surgery. There is not statistical correlation between total macular volume increment and best corrected visual acuity; diabetes mellitus without previous diabetic retinopathy; arterial hypertension; ocular axial length and type of anesthesia used during surgery. Patients under 74 years show higer increment in total macular volume and RNFL thickness one month after non complicated cataract surgery.