La exigencia de visado de turismo para nacionales dominicanos en Chileanálisis crítico desde un derecho para la movilidad internacional

  1. Sandoval Ducoing, Rodrigo Alejandro
Supervised by:
  1. Joaquín Eguren Rodríguez Director

Defence university: Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Fecha de defensa: 23 October 2020

  1. Sònia Parella Rubio Chair
  2. Alberto Ares Mateos Secretary
  3. María Concepción Carrasco Carpio Committee member
  4. Andrés de Castro García Committee member
  5. Ricard Zapata Barrero Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 640355 DIALNET


This thesis proposes a comprehensive, complex and multidimensional perspective for the understanding, interpretation and assessment of part of the legal field dedicated to international human mobility in Chilean regulation. Its usefulness consists of offering an analytical matrix that can be made available to the needs of technical legislative and of the management of international mobility in its social, political and legal context. First the thesis develops a description of the historical evolution of Chilean legislation regarding international mobility, which is organized according to legal trends that have influenced the state's response to the migratory reality of each period. Secondly, it is based, in theoretical terms, on the need for an autonomous legal perspective that addresses international mobility, conceptualizing it under the name of International Mobility Law, and presents an analytical matrix of the mobility reality to understand, interpret and assess state action on the matter. Finally, this thesis applies the matrix to a specific case: the requirement of a tourist visa for nationals of the Dominican Republic by the State of Chile in 2012 through the contextualization, analysis and assessment of the measure in terms of its coherence and relevance for the purpose of mobilizing state action.