Evolución y comparación de la velocidad, frecuencia, longitud e índice de ciclo sobre 200 m en palistas infantiles de diferentes modalidades

  1. Alacid Cárceles, Fernando
  2. López Miñarro, Pedro Ángel
  3. Ferragut Fiol, Carmen
  4. García, A.
  5. Ferrer, V
  6. Martínez, I.
European Journal of Human Movement

ISSN: 0214-0071 2386-4095

Ano de publicación: 2008

Número: 20

Páxinas: 15-27

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: European Journal of Human Movement


Speed evolution, cycle frequency, cycle length and cycle index were analysed during a 200-m maximal test, in young paddlers (23 kayak men, 22 kayak women and 20 canoe men; 13-14 yearsold). Recordings were taken from a boat following each test and switched from analogue to digital format to measure the variables cited above. Evolution was similar in three categories. The speed and cycle index decreased through the test after the first 50 m, while the cycle length was stable. The cycle frequency had a progressive decrease along the distance. Men kayak got higher values in all the variables than women kayak and canoeist, but only were significantly higher in speed and cycle index. Lower values of cycle length and cycle frequency were obtained from canoe men and kayak women, respectively.

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