Paisajes interioresel pensamiento y la obra del pintor Esteban Vicente. Claves de una pedagogía poética para la invención arquitectónica

  1. Martín San Cristóbal, Francisco
  1. Roberto Goycoolea Prado Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 2010(e)ko maiatza-(a)k 07

  1. Pilar Chías Navarro Presidentea
  2. Ernesto Echeverría Valiente Idazkaria
  3. Agustín de Celis Kidea
  4. José Manuel Santa Cruz Chao Kidea
  5. Ángela García Codoñer Kidea
  1. Arquitectura

Mota: Tesia


This essay is set as a counterpoint between two artistic disciplines that, from different perspectives, converge into a common point: the conceptualization of creativity pedagogy. The work of a painter whose life takes place in the 20th Century and is part of the New York School of Abstract Impressionism: Esteban Vicente (1903-2001). He is not only a painter, whose artistic evolutions are studied in this essay, but an artistic expression theorist that occupied several chairs in New York, Los Angeles and Puerto Rico Universities. He defined as “interior landscapes” the synthesis of his artistic settings where, spatial evocation, creativity freedom, artistic invention, reality recreation and artistic intuition are melted in the creativity process. It is as well a pedagogical proposal where freedom, colour and shape search, expressivity, a new vision of the pictorial surroundings and, especially, poetics applied to architectonical invention as a pedagogic aim, shape a model of art teaching. Among the different architectural graphic expression disciplines, all of which require different skills and different aims, some of them are especially adequate for the application of Esteban Vicente’s concept of “interior landscapes” The creative fact in architecture is, following Rius and Catalá (2002): “the result of the conjunction of two basic elements: Selective Memoir and Creativity Process” that are the interpretation of the object through the “inside look” and the re-elaboration of Esteban Vicente with his “interior landscapes” Freedom and creativity, invention, innovation and intuition, poetry and investigation (search) are common elements in the pedagogical process of both artistic disciplines. Discussions between them from particular perspectives lead to a productive dialog that materialises in a didactic proposal for the EGA studies. This proposal has the aim of developing with freedom the structure of thinking in a way that each student acquires the ability of capture, analyse and communicate the reality through a process that is, at the same time creative, inventive, individual and poetical.