Competencia por la carga contenerizada en el mercado portuario de Panamá1990-2008

Supervised by:
  1. Miguel Ángel Díaz Mier Director
  2. Luis Felipe Rivera Galicia Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 20 May 2013

  1. Juan José Durán Herrera Chair
  2. José Luis Gutiérrez de Mesa Secretary
  3. Emma Castelló Taliani Committee member
  4. Antonio María Ávila Álvarez Committee member
  5. María Antonia Calvo Hornero Committee member
  1. Economía

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 350294 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


The essential purpose of this research has been to analyze the situation and recent trends of the port market of Panama City metropolitan area during the period1990-2010 for which the data have been obtained, managed and performed its comparison. All of this on the maritime cargo handling, especially the containerised. In addition, the research has sought to design a model prediction of cargo flows. In this regard various assumptions have been made about the behavior of the actors that were contrasted to determine its validity. In the research, along with the consideration of qualitative information on various aspects related to Panama, its economy, its evolution is made heavy use of statistical methods of multivariate analysis, competition port models, statistical weighted indexes, probability and Markov chains, concentration indexes and canonical regression models, multiple and multinomial logistic, among others. The main sources of data (databases, bibliographies, internet pages, magazines) have been provided by public institutions of the country and by multilateral agencies. A survey was also conducted by sampling logistics operators in the metropolitan area of Panama and Colon. The research has been embodied in a set of seven chapters referred to in the first of them to an introduction of a general nature and the second, the theoretical framework provided by the business and technical literature specifically about the port of choice models. The third chapter, describes the transport of maritime cargo of Panama in various aspects (history, especially the road until reaching the current situation, etc.) while the fourth chapter describes the country's port system. In this line, the fifth chapter is dedicated to examining the hinterland of the metropolitan area, object of study. The sixth chapter is devoted to analyze the methodological framework of the survey conducted by supplementing with this the contributions that in the previous chapters were carried out with respect to the creation of indexes, and statistical analysis. Finally, the seventh and last chapter is devoted to the discussion of the findings and to provide a set of recommendations. Closes this work the traditional bibliography review. Research has shown that the dynamics of the port depends on its proximity to the major shipping routes that form around the operation of the Panama Canal. Similarly, the diversion of cargo from the multimodal transport system of the USA toward Panama has effectively resulted in an increase in port operations. The research also has revealed that the concentration of containerised cargo occurs as a result of factors that influence technological efficiency. Also, it has been able to prove that the maritime ports and the port area of influence interact and influence each other. With respect to the indicated prediction model it was designed a multinomial logistic regression model of selection maritime nodes with explanatory variables such as the availability of services of shipping, interconnection with multimodal transport and port connectivity.