Efficient management of road intersections for automated vehicles - The FRFP system applied to the various types of intersections and roundabouts

  1. Filocamo, Basilio
Dirigida por:
  1. Miguel Angel Sotelo Vázquez Director

Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 09 de junio de 2020

  1. Arturo de la Escalera Hueso Presidente/a
  2. Iván García Daza Secretario
  3. Fernando García Fenández Vocal
  1. Automática

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 152724 DIALNET


In the last decade, automatic driving systems for vehicles circulating on public roads have become increasingly closer to reality. There is always a strong interest in this topic among research centers and car manufacturers. One of the most critical aspects is the management of intersections, i.e., who will have to go first and in what ways? This is the question we want to answer through this research. Clearly, the goal is to manage the intersection safely, making it possible to reduce road congestion, travel time, emissions, and fuel consumption as much as possible. The research is conducted by comparing a new management system with the systems already known in the state of the art for different types of intersections. The new system proposed by us is called FRFP (first to reach the end of the intersection first to pass). In particular, vehicles will increase or decrease their speed in collaboration with each other by making the right decision. The vehicle that can potentially reach the intersection exit first.