Nestin, a neuroectodermal stem cell marker molecule, is expressed in Leydig cells of the human testis and in some specific cell types from human testicular tumours

  1. Lobo, M.V.T.
  2. Arenas, M.I.
  3. Alonso, F.J.M.
  4. Gomez, G.
  5. Bazán, E.
  6. Paíno, C.L.
  7. Fernández, E.
  8. Fraile, B.
  9. Paniagua, R.
  10. Moyano, A.
  11. Caso, E.
Cell and Tissue Research

ISSN: 0302-766X

Argitalpen urtea: 2004

Alea: 316

Zenbakia: 3

Orrialdeak: 369-376

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1007/S00441-003-0848-4 GOOGLE SCHOLAR