Immunoreactivity to caspase-3, caspase-7, caspase-8, and caspase-9 forms is frequently lost in human prostate tumors

  1. Rodríguez-Berriguete, G.
  2. Galvis, L.
  3. Fraile, B.
  4. De Bethencourt, F.R.
  5. Martínez-Onsurbe, P.
  6. Olmedilla, G.
  7. Paniagua, R.
  8. Royuela, M.
Human Pathology

ISSN: 0046-8177 1532-8392

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 43

Issue: 2

Pages: 229-237

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.HUMPATH.2011.04.024 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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