El Aprovechamiento recreativo, deportivo y turístico de los espacios naturales protegidosmodelos de frecuentación, el caso del Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici - Espanya
- Farías Torbidoni, Estela Inés
- Andreu Camps Povill Director
Defence university: Universitat de Lleida
Fecha de defensa: 29 August 2003
- Fidel Molina Luque Chair
- Joan Fuster Matute Secretary
- Sergio Pablo Quesada Rettschlag Committee member
- José Vicente de Lucio Fernández Committee member
- Francisco Lagardera Otero Committee member
Type: Thesis
During the last ten years, the recreative use of Spanish protected natural areas, has suffered an important increase what means, in most of the cases, a new management; where the segmentation of the recreative supply and demand of this kind of natural areas together with the possibility of synthesizing some of the main conditioning factors of this type of use is starting to be considered as a practical information tool for the management. In this piece of work, we deal with one of the twelve Spanish national parcs, Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Parc (Lleida- Spain). The typological study of the recreative supply and demand in this area will be analyzed together with the different types and features of the recreative activities that take place there. Through the aplication of a Multiple Correspondency Analysis (when dealing with the demand) and a Cluster Analysis (when dealing with the supply and the demand), a range of five groups of visitors and three groups of tracks were set. One of the aspects observed in the research is the positive relation between the degree of dificulty of the usual tracks and the cultural level, the youth and the masculine gender of the visitors. The relation between the type of visitants and the type of tracks analyzed in this work has proved the existance of an interesting frequency pattern where the groups of visitants that take the easiest and the most difficult tracks show the same frequency correlation and identity.