Lugares de agregación en la prehistoria desde una perspectiva etnográfica. Los recintos de fosos como caso de estudio

  1. Milesi García, Lara Bibiana
Supervised by:
  1. Margarita Sánchez Romero Director
  2. José Enrique Márquez Romero Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 30 November 2018

  1. Francisco Contreras Cortés Chair
  2. Francisco Carrión Méndez Secretary
  3. Maria Cordeiro da Costa Committee member
  4. Víctor Jiménez Jáimez Committee member
  5. Primitiva Bueno Ramírez Committee member

Type: Thesis


Abstract Introduction This PhD thesis is focused on analysing one of the concepts that has been used in the interpretation of several national and international Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Copper Age archaeological contexts, which is the notion of “place of aggregation”. In general, this analytical category has not been clearly defined. Thus, it has been ambiguously used to explain the same kind of archaeological contexts, even in the same geographic areas. From ritual places of congregation of societies with strong mobility patterns to stable settlements based on permanent farming production, the idea of “aggregation sites” has been used to explain human past. Therefore, one of the objectives is to critically examine the different definitions of what are considered social aggregation processes in Prehistory. Also, it aims to provide new ideas for a clearer conceptualisation of archaeological sites that may be interpreted as aggregation sites, specifically for those that can be interpreted as gathering places. Finally, an archaeological phenomenon that often has been interpreted under this notion is discussed. Methodological development Methodologically, the thesis develops historical, ethnographic and archaeological tools. The results of the different analyses are presented in three main parts: In the first part, the research questions and objectives are presented and explained in detail. A profound literature review of the use of the concept of social aggregation in Archaeology and Anthropology is carried out to identify what the ideas behind this category were and are, according with the state of the art. The second part presents the theoretical framework and two ethnographic cases. They are analysed in depth under a post-colonial and ethnoarchaeological perspective. Paradigmatic and long-lasting gathering places are studied through fieldworks in Chile (Wallmapu) among the Mapuche people, and in New Zealand (Aotearoa) among Māori people. A definition of “gathering place” – one of the senses of aggregation sites - is proposed after the theoretical and ethnographic discussion. In the third part, the archaeological phenomenon is discussed as regard of the previous analysis. The Iberian Copper Age ditched enclosures are presented and examined considering both theory and material culture information. The research is then focused on two case studies, Perdigões site (Reguengos de Monsaraz, Portugal) and Marroquíes Bajos site (Jaen, Spain). Both of them provide new and updated information. This research has contributed to their knowledge with excavations campaigns and new analyses focused on the formation processes of complex stratigraphic sequences and human mobility study. Results are compared to the notions of aggregation and gathering. Conclusions The final discussion of results and conclusions of the thesis are presented concerning the main interests of the PhD research, which are: the debate on what is considered “social aggregation” and “gathering place”; the critical use of data from ethnographic sources and fieldwork carried out among contemporary populations; the discussion of the functionality and communal processes behind the construction of ditched enclosures; and the suitability of these concepts to the interpretation of Iberian ditched enclosures. Finally, it is concluded that there are different levels of places of aggregation study. Consequently, a specific methodology of analysis of archaeological gathering places is proposed, and it is suggested a different perspective of diched enclosures study, in order to come to understand their complex material record throughout time. Bibliografía básica. ALBERTI, B.; MARSHALL, Y. 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