The Chican@ literary imaginationA collection of critical studies by Francisco A. Lomelí
- Cañero Serrano, Julio ed. lit.
- Elices Agudo, Juan Francisco ed. lit.
Publisher: Editorial Universidad de Alcalá ; Universidad de Alcalá ; Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Estudios Norteamericanos Benjamin Franklin
ISBN: 978-84-8138-699-8
Year of publication: 2012
Type: Book
This book brings together several essays of one of the most productive and outstanding Chicano scholars, Francisco A. Lomelí. Even though teh book only gives a hint of the topics dealt with and covered by Professor Lomelí, it has tobe seen as a tribute to his fruitful career. The articles selected offer a broad view of his writings on the origins of Chicano/a literature and criticism and on Chicano/a authors, and they can serve as a countless source of information on Chicano Studies for future generations of researchers.