Adaptando la calificación a las necesidades del estudianteexamen final, contrato graduado o autocalificación

  1. Luis Pascual, Juan Carlos
I Jornadas de Buenas Prácticas en Evaluación Formativa en Docencia Universitaria: (actas de las jornadas) : 7, 8 y 9 de septiembre de 2016 Universidad de León
  1. Pérez Pueyo, Ángel (coord.)
  2. Díez Fernández, Ángeles (coord.)
  3. Gutiérrez García, Carlos (coord.)
  4. Hortigüela Alcalá, David (coord.)

Publisher: Universidad de León

ISBN: 978-84-9773-848-4

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 239-258

Congress: Jornadas de Buenas Prácticas en Evaluación Formativa en Docencia Universitaria (1. 2016. León)

Type: Conference paper


I started working with the competencies self-rating, which is one of the three options offered to students for the rating of the course, along with the graduated contract system (mixed assessment) and summative evaluation. The first challenge was to select the relevant powers, to do of the eight named in the teaching guide are fixed four (easier to handle and identify). The second challenge has been to discriminate the quality of participation of students in class debate. In addition, trying not to relate the evaluation with such rating, which involving numerous instruments, moments and agents to assess learning carried out. The advantages found are: bigger clarity for anticipating the seminar outline, professor presentations, or detailing the evidence to be used in the personal portfolios and the defense of rating. Among the drawbacks are not participating in collaborative folders of other groups or the effective implementation of the roles of the triads. Among the proposed improvements are planned: discriminate before students who have less interest or willingness to work in a more autonomous way in the course. Conclusions have led to a change in the teaching guide for the next course, where you try to include the flipped learning, not only anticipating the documentation, but also valuing the understanding, interests and black points that need a further depth.