Meliá: cómo un hotel contribuye a la sostenibilidad de la ciudad a través de sus RR.SS.

  1. Araceli Parres 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alcalá

    Universidad de Alcalá

    Alcalá de Henares, España


VII Congreso internacional Ciudades Creativas: Libro de actas
  1. Francisco García García (coord.)
  2. Ernesto Tobarda Hernández (coord.)
  3. Baltar Moreno, Adolfo (coord.)

Editorial: Icono 14 Asociación Científica

ISBN: 978-84-15816-32-4

Ano de publicación: 2019

Páxinas: 86-104

Congreso: Congreso Internacional Ciudades Creativas (7. 2019. Cartagena de Indias)

Tipo: Achega congreso


This research deepens in the role of the hotel in the sustainability of the city. Hotels are more than buildings that are part of the cities, they contribute fundamentally to the economic and tourist development of their environment, they are a source of employment and professional training that also consume the resources of that same place. Faced with the described context and an increasingly evident climate change, in 2015 the United Nations set common goals to make the world a sustainable environment with focus on 2030. In this way it is analyzed how Meliá International hotels contemplates them in its global strategy. The study is carried out through a qualitative analysis of both the corporate policies, their messages on social networks and the global strategy of the management of Meliá Hotels at a global and local level regarding business, social and environmental sustainability. In conclusion, it can be confirmed that Meliá Hotels generates and transmits its corporative values to the different stakeholder to whom it is directed.