Pictures of the territory and the landscapecartography and drawings of the mountains of Guadarrama

  1. Pilar Chías Navarro
Architectural draughtsmanship: from analog to digital narratives
  1. Enrique Castaño Perea (ed. lit.)
  2. Ernesto Echeverría Valiente (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Springer International Publishing AG ; Springer Suiza

ISBN: 3-319-58855-9 3-319-58856-7

Ano de publicación: 2018

Páxinas: 427-438

Tipo: Capítulo de libro


Cultural Heritage is increasingly appreciated in our country. Nevertheless, this concept is still far from being considered in its real extent. While artworks, architecture, and archaeology were traditionally considered as essential vestiges of our past, landscapes and regions were ignored. As a consequence, their capacity to evoke old uses and customs was underestimated, as well as their power to create a strong sense of local identity. A deep knowledge of the history of the territory and the landscape is thus needed as a previous step before undertaking any regional planning or infrastructure. Drawing and mapping become essential tools to perform such a conceptual change.