La oportunidad de investigar un patrimonio integral El caso del Cerro Coberteras de Rivas Vaciamadrid

  1. Óscar Navajas Corral
  2. Miguel Fernández
  3. Julián González Fraile
Actas RAM 2015: Reunión de Arqueología Madrileña

Publisher: Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados en Filosofía y Letras y en Ciencias de la Comunidad de Madrid

ISBN: 978-84-09-01313-5

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 18-26

Type: Book chapter


On July 29, 2015, there was a serious fire in the site of the cuts of Casa Eulogio, in Rivas Vaciamadrid; an area with a great wealth and diversity of flora and fauna protected, and that has been described as “integral reservation” within the Regional Park of the Southeast of the Community of Madrid. This territory is not only important because of the biological and geological diversity it hosts, but also because of the heritage traces of the different historical periods that have coexisted in it. The voracity of the flames has caused the whole area and, above all, the so-called “Rivas spur” (dimension 627) to be found without the natural protection of the past wild flora, revealing large material remains dating from the Paleolithic period, the Bronze Age (pottery), to the Spanish Civil War (trenches, squadron posts, etc.). In the present communication we wish to present the first studies that have been carried out on the state in which the area is located. We believe that right now is the best time to carry out a rigorous archaeological and patrimonial study.