La tesis doctoral (Planificación y ejecución de un trabajo de investigación en contabilidad o finanzas)

  1. Gonzalo Angulo, José Antonio
Revista española de financiación y contabilidad

ISSN: 0210-2412

Any de publicació: 1999

Número: 100

Pàgines: 219-290

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista española de financiación y contabilidad


In this paper, some of the most important stages of carrying out a Doctoral Thesis are examined, in a systematic way: the choice of subject and director, the type of documentation to be consulted, the style of the report, tghe use of a quantitative models, the reading and defence of the project before a tribunal and the subsequent "exploitation" of the work done. Although the background is primarily methodological, it was written to offer advice to the doctorate student with the objective of allowing him/her to "plan" the research adequately in order to obtain maximun benefit from the work being carried out in each of the typical phases of the Thesis. There is special emphasis on quality controls wich characterise a scientific project, and wich ought to be given particular attention in the Doctoral Thesis. Even though the references used throughout the text are specifically relative to the accounting and finance area, a lot of the treatments are also useful in other areas, such as economics as well as management research projects. This is due to the fact that many of the methodological problems or situations included are common to all this scientific fields.

Referències bibliogràfiques

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