Lo peor de ambos mundosdos entremeses americanos de Luis Quiñones de Benavente y Vicente Suárez de Deza

  1. Brioso Santos, Héctor
Teatro: revista de estudios teatrales
  1. Brioso Santos, Héctor (coord.)

ISSN: 1132-2233

Year of publication: 2001

Issue Title: América en el teatro español del Siglo de Oro

Issue: 15

Pages: 227-250

Type: Article

More publications in: Teatro: revista de estudios teatrales


The author of this article analyzes two little-known examples of entremeses with American ingredients, the second part of El Martinillo, an entremes cantado by Quiñones de Benavente, dated between 1634 and 1635, and Los casamientos by Vicente Suárez de Deza y Ávila, supposedly written before 1663. In both cases a comical trívialization of the American world can be observed, in the former piece through an allegory that conceals several critiques against colonization, and in the latter by means of a ridiculous treatment of the character of the indiano fingido, an interesting invention of the playwrights of the comedia nueva