La contribución del turismo al crecimiento económico

  1. Brida, Juan Gabriel
  2. Pereyra, Juan Sebastián
  3. Such-Devesa, María J.
  4. Zapata Aguirre, Sandra
Cuadernos de turismo

ISSN: 1139-7861

Année de publication: 2008

Número: 22

Pages: 35-46

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Cuadernos de turismo


In this paper we present a methodology for measuring the contribution of the tourism sector to economic growth. The method disaggregates into economic growth generated by tourism and economic growth generated by the rest of the economic activities. Then the method is applied to the case of Spain, France, Italy, UK and USA, and the results are com- pared with those of some Latin American countries.

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