Amis y Amilesla difusión de un tema medieval en España

  1. Alvar Ezquerra, Carlos
Estudios humanísticos. Filología

ISSN: 0213-1392 2444-023X

Any de publicació: 2010

Número: 32

Pàgines: 15-33

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Estudios humanísticos. Filología


An overview of the different Latin and French version of the legend of Amis and Amile which previously would stop in the derivative legend in Spanish literatura: between the Catalan versions what is found in Recull of examples and miracles per alphabet, the Book of the nobility of the monarchy and the History of Amic and Meliz and between Castilian emphasis on the History of the Amic and Meliz, Oliveros de Castilla and Artas D'Algarve. Additionally, there is chapter 21 of the Seven Sages of Rome. Lastly, is the last connection with this legend of the romance of Melisande or Melusina and other novels and plays.

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