Fernán González, el usurero míticoentre la epopeya y el cuento

  1. Pedrosa Bartolomé, José Manuel
Revista de Poética Medieval

ISSN: 1137-8905

Année de publication: 2011

Titre de la publication: Epica, folclore y literatura comparada: nuevas perspectivas

Número: 25

Pages: 295-350

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Revista de Poética Medieval


The legend of the founding of Castile by Count Fernan Gonzalez is a variant of the folkloric motif of the gift that is given by a crafty character to another naive character, who must be compensated afterwards with another gift of much greater value. The motif involves other many folk and literary tales, from different times and traditions. We compare the Castilian story with tales from the Hebrew Bible and Sephardic, Persians, ndowe texts, and also tales from the Fang of Equatorial Guinea, together with international stories such as ATU 821B, ATU 425, ATU 500, among others.