Selección de indicadores en un Cuadro de Mando Integral en las compañías aseguradores del Ramo No Vida

  1. Crecente Romero, Fernando Javier
  2. Giménez Baldazo, Mónica
Estudios de Economía y Empresa

ISSN: 1888-2927

Year of publication: 2008

Issue: 6

Pages: 9-34

Type: Article

More publications in: Estudios de Economía y Empresa


The aim of this article is giving a view of the relevance of strategic indicators selection and design, in order to develop customer goals and profitability in insurance business, based in the development of the Balanced Scorecard. With this system, focused in human capital conduct, in the improvement of policies emission process and in the accidents treatment, is possible to adapt companies to the needs of new policy-holders and get the strict profitability levels required by shareholders (as well as the financial requirements established by law) and know in every moment where are the main deviations.