Información y canales de comunicación activos en el Departamento de Educación física. Estudio de un caso

  1. Luis Pascual, Juan Carlos
  2. Freile, I.
  3. Angulo, I.
Kronos: revista universitaria de la actividad física y el deporte

ISSN: 1579-5225

Ano de publicación: 2010

Volume: 9

Número: 17

Páxinas: 92-98

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Kronos: revista universitaria de la actividad física y el deporte


The purpose of this study is to analyze the different flows of external communications which receives a Department of Physical Education of a centre for secondary education. We have collected and classified all orders of information coming from outside a school to the Department of Physical Education during a school year. We have studied the contents of each information received in order to relate them with the different competences that, according to the existing legislation, the didactic department should play. The analysis of the senders provides information about the different entities and institutions that are related with organizational unit responsible for the area of Physical Education. Moreover, the different ways to send these informations reveals that, despite the increase in computer resources in schools, these are not used. After the analysis of data, we came to the conclusions and improving proposals to optimize the information that would receive the Department.

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