Evaluación y simulación del impacto de las políticas públicas sobre las PYMES a través del uso de modelos basados en agentes
- Mancha Navarro, Tomás
- Pablo Martí, Federico
- Santos Bartolomé, Juan Luis
- García Tabuenca, Antonio
- Val Núñez, María Teresa del
ISSN: 1139-6148
Argitalpen urtea: 2012
Zenbakia: 4
Mota: Laneko dokumentua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Documentos de Trabajo (IAES, Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social)
The use of systems with ABM (Agent-based Models) foundations in order to modelling the real economy allows making useful forecast and simulations based on the attributes and behaviour of each particular agent. The MOSIPS system implements the multiagent environments from multiple both open and specific data sources. These data will build the Data Warehouse and feed the Simulations and Predictions Engine (SFE). The spatio-temporal visualization technologies will be used in order to develop an advanced user interface to support the decision-making. Furthermore, to encourage active participation of citizens in the public policy design, a module will be developed to allow the MOSIPS integration with social networks and to gather the user feedback.