La enseñanza superior en Españaretos desde la perspectiva europea

  1. Galván Reula, Juan Fernando
Quórum: revista de pensamiento iberoamericano

ISSN: 1575-4227

Année de publication: 2006

Número: 15

Pages: 38-48

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Quórum: revista de pensamiento iberoamericano


This article presents an analysis of the general situation of Spanish universities through some data and figures referring to its development in the 20th century, as well as its current reality. Comparisons are drawn with other European countries, especially the United Kingdom, and with other educational models such as that of the USA. Together with the results of that analysis, the challenges that these universities have to face are also put forward, including funding problems, the structure of degrees and the teaching-learning system. These are aspects that the Spanish universities will have to race in a short term as a consequence of the Bologna process