Discontinuidades estratigráficas y secuencias deposicionales del Cretácico medio (Albiense superior-Turoniense medio) en la Cordillera Ibérica central y el Sistema Central meridional

  1. García Quintana, Álvaro
  2. Segura Redondo, Manuel
  3. García-Hidalgo Pallarés, José F.
  4. Ruiz, G.
  5. Gil Gil, Javier
  6. Carenas Fernández, María Beatriz

ISSN: 0213-683X

Year of publication: 1996

Issue: 20

Pages: 119-123

Type: Article

More publications in: Geogaceta


The Middle Cretaceous in the Iberian Ranges is a 2nd order cycle with an Upper Albian - Middle Turonian age. The cycle is bounded by two major unconformities and comprise 8 depositional sequences (3rd orderI The four basal sequences onlap older deposits; maximum marine facies are located in the fifth sequence (Picofrentes Marls) and the upper three sequences offlap rapidly northwestwards. Along this time there was a northwestward shifts in the basin and Tethyan transgressions (Upper Albian - Middle Cenomanian) change to Atlantic ones (uppermost Cenomanian - Middle Turonian)