Los Campos de Batallaun nuevo espacio de musealización

  1. Ramírez Galán, Mario
  2. Jiménez Sanz, Pedro José
Arqueoweb: Revista sobre Arqueología en Internet

ISSN: 1139-9201

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 14

Issue: 1

Type: Article

More publications in: Arqueoweb: Revista sobre Arqueología en Internet


The battlefields are a typology of site with a great potential, both archaeological and museographic. In Anglo-Saxon countries, principally, France and Germany are aware of it and, therefore, they are developing a conservation and musealization policy for years. In our country it doesn't happen, since they are relegated to second place by the sites that we know as traditional and classical, with all the consequences that this situation implies: deterioration and destruction. The archaeological and museographic treatment of them is totally necessary because of their great historical and archaeological value. Thus, in our article we will embody a general musealization model of this kind of site.

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