El trabajo en equipo, una competencia a potenciar en la Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales, Universidad de Alcalá

  1. Saldaña López, Asunción
  2. Martínez Pérez, Silvia
  3. Castro Díez, Pilar
  4. Ramos Caicedo, Guadalupe
  5. Rebollo Ferreiro, Luis F.
  6. Salas Rey, Francisco Javier
  7. Salado García, María Jesús
  8. Sandín Vázquez, María del Val
  9. Vicente Lapuente, Rosa
Pulso: revista de educación

ISSN: 1577-0338 2445-2866

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 36

Pages: 99-114

Type: Article

More publications in: Pulso: revista de educación


The «Environmental Sciences Teaching Innovation Group» analyzed the teamwork competence of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of the University of Alcalá. Thus, a survey among lecturers was carried out to obtain information regarding the activities they implemented to promote this competence. 28 questionnaires were received, 17 from the from Degree in Environmental Sciences and 11 from the from Licenciatura (five-year studies) subjects. Teamwork was used in 88% of the Degree subjects from which we obtained information, whereas this percentage rose to 91% in Licenciatura studies. 71% of the surveyed lecturers of the Degree and 64% of Licenciatura studies believe that students do not use teamwork adequately. 65% of the lecturers of the Degree and 74% of Licenciatura studies consider that learning with this method is better than standard lecturing.

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