Sobre la captura del empleo público

  1. Sánchez Morón, Miguel 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alcalá

    Universidad de Alcalá

    Alcalá de Henares, España


Pertsonak eta Antolakunde Publikoak Kudeatzeko Euskal Aldizkaria = Revista Vasca de Gestión de Personas y Organizaciones Públicas

ISSN: 2173-6405

Ano de publicación: 2011

Número: 1

Páxinas: 71-79

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Pertsonak eta Antolakunde Publikoak Kudeatzeko Euskal Aldizkaria = Revista Vasca de Gestión de Personas y Organizaciones Públicas


The article contains a recent paper by the author w here he considers the problem, which is becoming increasingly more acute in our country, of the colon ization of public-sector employment by the politica l parties and, to a lesser extent, by the leading trade union organis ations, by means of appointments and contracts base d on confidence criteria. The ensuring harmful consequences for the administrative and political system to operate correctly are discussed, along with the channels used for the patronage syst em to penetrate public-sector employment. Finally, some legal measures are proposed to correct the situation, who se implementation, however, requires a radical chan ge in political customs, which only society -the voters- could impose on the parties