Zangorromangos, bimbilindrones, chuchumbés y otros eufemismos líricos populare

  1. Pedrosa Bartolomé, José Manuel
Olivar: revista de literatura y cultura españolas

ISSN: 1515-1115 1852-4478

Year of publication: 2012

Year: 13

Issue: 18

Pages: 135-175

Type: Article

More publications in: Olivar: revista de literatura y cultura españolas


Within oral and popular compositions, there are some words that stand out for the significance of their meaning. They are refrains which work as a kind of an expressive, rhythmic and metaphorical tag, even though their hidden meaning is somehow mysterious. These stylistic devices are halfway between onomatopoeia, pun, irony. They often have a double sense that leads to naughty and sensual connotations bold, bawdy and sometimes rowdy. These poetic repertoire -before unattended- persist not as a passive reflection of inherited traditions, but as a melting pot of new recreations and reconfigurations that permeate genres, repertoires and various records