Efecto de la tipología de las estructuras transversales de paso sobre el uso por la fauna en diferentes tramos de carreteras y líneas de ferrocarril de alta velocidad en España

  1. García Sánchez-Colomer, Manuel Ramón
  2. Antonio Vladimir García, García
  3. Juárez Sanz, Esther
  4. Espigares Pinilla, Tíscar
Ingeniería civil

ISSN: 0213-8468

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Nummer: 176

Seiten: 49-55

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Ingeniería civil


Crossing structures for wildlife in the linear ways of transport aim at maintaining connectivity in the territory. However, animals do not use these cross-cutting structures randomly, but show some preferences related to their type, layout and the habitat where they are located. We have analysed the use of 270 crossing structures by six very common species in Spain: deer, roe deer, wild boar, fox, badger and beech marten. Seven different types of crossing structures are considered in our study: specific and multifunctional overpasses, specific and multifunctional underpasses, circular drainages and frame type drainages of 2x2 m and bigger. Specific crossing structures are much more used than the remaining cross-cutting structures, on average twice more than the multifunctional underpasses, than the drains in frame 2 m x 2 m or bigger. Also, on average they are up to 4 times more frequently used than the circular drainages and multifunctional overpasses. The different species analysed also show preferences for different crossing structures. Except for marten and badger, that preferably used 2 m x 2 m frame type drains, the rest of the species showed preference for specific crossing structures. The results of this kind of studies have many applications to the selection of crossing structures in relation to the target species and also according to the sensitivity of the habitat (protected areas, wildlife corridors, etc.).