Post-crisis social rights and social security law in Spain

  1. Jose Manuel del Valle Villar
Spanish Labour Law and Employment Relations Journal

ISSN: 2255-2081

Ano de publicación: 2015

Volume: 4

Número: 1-2

Páxinas: 55-63

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Spanish Labour Law and Employment Relations Journal


The last crisis had a strong impact in Spanish economy. As a consequence, and underrecommendation of the EU, the successive Governments since 2008 till the end of 2014 have passed“emergency legislation” that affected social rights and Social Security System, introducing amendmentsand “cuts” on them. Contrary to what occurred in other countries (that have made Finance Acts, thebudget, or even Parliamentary Acts the fundamental ways to conduct such reforms) in Spain, the RoyalDecree-Law (RDL), a “legislative” type text (serving as an Act of Parliament) has prevailed. The reforms,amendments and “cuts” (in some cases) caused by the crisis have highlighted the weakness of the theoryof supra-legal character of the Spanish Constitution (whose writing would be compulsory for the publicauthorities, and even for the Parliament).