Propuesta de recuperación de los edificios de las minas La Fuerza y La Mala Noche (Hiendelaencina, Guadalajara)

  1. Miguel Angel de Pablo Hernández
  2. José Carlos De Pablo
De re metallica ( Madrid ): revista de la Sociedad Española para la Defensa del Patrimonio Geológico y Minero

ISSN: 1888-8615

Any de publicació: 2014

Número: 22

Pàgines: 69-81

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: De re metallica ( Madrid ): revista de la Sociedad Española para la Defensa del Patrimonio Geológico y Minero


Between 1884 and 1985, the town of Hiendelaencina (Guadalajara, Spain) was characterized by an intense mining activity due to the existence of veins of silver ore. Although various periods of splendour and decline affected that activity, the mines of this mining district were the most important silver mines in Europe during in the nineteenth century. The result of this mining activity has left a legacy in the form of buildings, wells, landfills, ponds, etc., which constitute an important historical, mining and industrial heritage which is currently heavily damaged and has also been plundered. One of the major sites of this rich heritage in the municipality is the place where the La Fuerza and La Mala Noche mines are located to the southwest of the Hiendelaencina town centre. These installations are the oldest mining buildings in the district that contained the winches. Here we present a proposal for a project aimed at the gradual recovery of this mining area with a view to recovering assets such as buildings, roads and paths, reducing risks (landslides, collapses, falls, ...) and creating mining routes, information signs, viewpoints overlooking the mines and the valley where the mines are located, but always striving to keep the costs of the project within limits. The objective of the present proposal is to recover some of this heritage, while making it known and contribute to the economic development of the municipality.