La difícil medición del concepto de competitividad¿qué factores afectan a la competitividad regional?

  1. Mancha Navarro, Tomás
  2. Moscoso Durán, Fabio Fernando
  3. Santos Bartolomé, Juan Luis
Documentos de Trabajo (IAES, Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social)

ISSN: 1139-6148

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 3

Type: Working paper

More publications in: Documentos de Trabajo (IAES, Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social)


The meaning of competitiveness is precise, but the measurement of competitiveness at regional and national level is complex. There is not a clear methodology to calculate correctly macroeconomic competitiveness. Nevertheless, this concept is one of the key priorities in economic policy. Therefore, it is imperative to know the determinants that affect competitiveness starting from previous approaches such as the ones by Camagni, Porter and Sala-i-Martín. Taking into account these methodologies and others aimed to arrive to the correct concept of competitiveness we arrive to three key environments: production, human capital and public capital. The first one has seven main components, while the two others are divided into four components each one. Each of these fifteen pillars has a set of indicators and variables that allow measuring the competitiveness at regional level.